Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2025)


Power off your heating/cooling system.
Turn the system off using your home’s circuit breaker or the switch on your equipment.

\n \n

  • \n

    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (1)\n

    Remove your existing thermostat cover.
    Remove any screws and pull the cover away from the wall.
  • \n \n

    \n \n

    \n \n '); e.find(".area-buttons .btn-primary").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), h() }), i.html(e), v(0) }, h = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#fff" }); var e = $('\n


    Do you have a high voltage system?





    You will see a caution label or thick wires with wire nuts on most high voltage systems.


    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2)\n

    \n Help me out\n \n \n

    \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o = { highVoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, l(), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons button").each(function(e) { var t = $(this); t.on("click", function() { var e = t.attr("data-val"); return o.highVoltage = e, $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage"], function() { m() }), !1 }) }), i.html(e), v(1) }, m = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#fff" }); var e = $('\n

    What if I have a jumper wire?





    If you have a short wire connecting two terminals, please only select the terminal with a wire that goes to the wall.


    In this example, you should select Rc to check compatibility.


    \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (3)\n

    \n \n

    \n \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o = { highvoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, h(), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons button").each(function(e) { var t = $(this); t.on("click", function() { var e = t.attr("data-val"); return o.highVoltage = e, $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage"], function() { u() }), !1 }) }), i.html(e), v(2) }, u = function() { $("body").css({ background: "#f7fafc" }); var e = $('\n

    Select the terminals that have wires connected





    Look for the letters and numbers on your thermostat’s wall panel.


    \n \n

    \n I don\'t see all of my terminals\n Show fewer terminals\n


    \n \n


    \n '); e.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o.selectedTerminals = {}, m(), !1 }); var s = $('
      '), n = e.find(".wrap-button"); $(d).each(function(e) { var t = this, n = t.key, a = []; t.size && a.push("item-size_" + t.size), t.isExtra && a.push("item-extra"); var r = $('\n
    • \n ').concat(t.label, "\n
    • \n ")); r.find("a").on("click", function() { var e = $(this); return o.selectedTerminals[n] ? (o.selectedTerminals[n] = null, e.removeClass("curr")) : (o.selectedTerminals[n] = t, e.addClass("curr")), !1 }), s.append(r) }), e.find(".area-buttons .link-terminals-all").on("click", function() { return e.addClass("section-terminals-all"), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons .link-terminals-less").on("click", function() { return e.removeClass("section-terminals-all"), !1 }), e.find(".area-buttons .btn-next").on("click", function() { n.removeClass(".button-error"); var e = 0; for (var t in o.selectedTerminals) o.selectedTerminals[t] && e++; return 3 <= e ? ($("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), f(["highVoltage", "selectedTerminals"], function(e) { p(!0, { groups: e }) })) : n.addClass("button-error").find(".txt-error").html("* There are usually 3-6 terminal wires."), !1 }), e.find(".area-terminals").append(s), i.html(e), v(3) }, p = function(e) { if ($("body").css({ background: "#fff" }), v(4), e) { a("event", "thermostatCheck", "true"); var t = $('\n

      Congrats! Wyze thermostat is compatible with your home.



      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (4)\n

      \n Buy Now\n

      \n ') } else { a("event", "thermostatCheck", "false"); t = $('\n

      Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with your system.





      We\'re sorry! Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with your system.


      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (5)\n


      Feel unsure about your result and want a second opinion?
      Reach out to our support team.


      \n \n
      \n ') } t.find(".area-back a").click(function() { return o.selectedTerminals = {}, u(), !1 }), i.html(t) }, f = function(e, t) { var n = !0, a = "", r = [], s = { highVoltage: function() { return o.highVoltage < 0 ? { result: !1, detail: "Wyze Thermostat is not compatible with high-voltage systems" } : { result: !0 } }, selectedTerminals: function() { var e = o.selectedTerminals; return g(e) } }; $(e).each(function() { var e = s[this](); e.result ? e.terminalsToPick && (r = e.terminalsToPick) : (n = !1, a = e.detail) }), n ? t(r) : p(!1, { err: a }) }, function() { $("body").css({ background: "#f0f4f7" }), s.attr("class", "section-checker section-checker-start"); var e = $('\n

      Compatibility Checker



      This tool will help you determine if Wyze Thermostat is compatible with your system.


      This usually takes less than 3 minutes to complete.


      \n Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (6)\n

      \n \n

      \n '); e.find(".area-buttons .btn-primary").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"), l() }), i.html(e) }(), c.each(function(e) { $(this).on("click", function() { return e < r && (0 === e ? (o = { highVoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, l()) : 1 === e ? (o = { highvoltage: 0, selectedTerminals: {} }, h()) : 2 === e ? (o.selectedTerminals = {}, m()) : 3 === e && (o.selectedTerminals = {}, u())), !1 }) }) }, { "./checkerBranches/main": 6, "./terminals": 9 }], 2: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var s = e("./tools"); e("./branchMergeHum"), e("./pickTerminal"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = s(e), n = t.filterUnselected(["hum", "h2", "dhum", "d", "e", "star", "w3", "accplus", "accminus"]), a = t.filterUnselected(["g", "g2", "gl", "gh", "gm", "f"]), r = []; return 1 < a.length && r.push(a), 1 < n.length && r.push(n), { result: !0, terminalsToPick: r } } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./pickTerminal": 7, "./tools": 8 }], 3: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeHum"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 0 < t.count(["x", "x2", "c"]) ? (console.log("branchMergeHum"), r(e)) : 0 === t.count(["y"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 0 === t.count(["g", "g2", "gl", "gm", "gh", "f"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : (console.log("branchMergeHum"), r(e)) } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./tools": 8 }], 4: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeXC"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 1 === t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? (console.log("branchMergeXC"), r(e)) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 0 < t.count(["w", "w2", "y"]) ? 0 === t.count(["y"]) && 1 === t.count(["y2"]) ? { result: !1, detail: "Y2 cannot be used if Y,Y1 is not" } : (console.log("branchMergeXC"), r(e)) : { result: !1, detail: "No heating and no cooling" } } }, { "./branchMergeXC": 3, "./tools": 8 }], 5: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchMergeHum"), s = e("./branchMergeXC"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 1 === t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? 1 === t.count(["c"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? r(e) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 1 === t.count(["c"]) ? 1 === t.count(["y"]) ? s(e) : { result: !1, detail: "Heat pump requires Y1" } : 0 < t.count(["w", "w2", "y"]) ? 0 === t.count(["y"]) && 1 === t.count(["y2"]) ? { result: !1, detail: "Y2 cannot be used if Y,Y1 is not" } : r(e) : { result: !1, detail: "No heating and no cooling" } } }, { "./branchMergeHum": 2, "./branchMergeXC": 3, "./tools": 8 }], 6: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var a = e("./tools"), r = e("./branchNoB"), s = e("./branchYesB"); t.exports = function(e) { var t = a(e); return 0 < t.count(["others"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 0 === t.count(["r", "rc", "rh"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 < t.count(["r", "rc"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 < t.count(["o", "ob"]) ? { result: !1, detail: t.generalErrorMsg } : 1 === t.count(["b"]) ? (console.log("branchYesB"), s(e)) : (console.log("branchNoB"), r(e)) } }, { "./branchNoB": 4, "./branchYesB": 5, "./tools": 8 }], 7: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = function(e) { var t = $('\n




      We can only support one of the following terminals.




      \n \n



      \n '); $(e).each(function() { var e = $('
        '); $(this).each(function() { e.append("\n
      • \n ').concat(this.label, "\n
      • \n ")) }), t.find(".wrap-list").append(e) }), $("body").append(t) } }, {}], 8: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function a(t, e) { var n = Object.keys(t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); e && (a = a.filter(function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable })), n.push.apply(n, a) } return n } function r(t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? a(Object(n), !0).forEach(function(e) { s(t, e, n[e]) }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : a(Object(n)).forEach(function(e) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e)) }) } return t } function s(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = n, e } t.exports = function(n) { return (n.x || n.c) && (n = r({}, n, { x: { label: "X or X1", key: "x", isExtra: !0 }, c: { label: "C", key: "c", isExtra: !1 } })), (n.f || n.g) && (n = r({}, n, { g: { label: "G or G1", key: "g", isExtra: !1 }, f: { label: "F", key: "f", isExtra: !0 } })), (n.y || n.m) && (n = r({}, n, { y: { label: "Y or Y1", key: "y", isExtra: !1 }, m: { label: "M", key: "m", isExtra: !0 } })), { count: function(e) { var t = 0; return $(e).each(function() { n[this] && t++ }), t }, filterUnselected: function(e) { var t = []; return $(e).each(function() { n[this] && t.push(n[this]) }), t }, generalErrorMsg: "It looks like your system will not work with Wyze Thermostat" } } }, {}], 9: [function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = [{ label: "AUX or AUX1", key: "aux", isExtra: !1, size: 2 }, { label: "C", key: "c", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "E", key: "e", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "G or G1", key: "g", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "O/B", key: "ob", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "R", key: "r", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Rc", key: "rc", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Rh", key: "rh", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "W or W1", key: "w", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "W2", key: "w2", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Y or Y1", key: "y", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "Y2", key: "y2", isExtra: !1 }, { label: "ACC+", key: "accplus", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "ACC-", key: "accminus", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "AUX2", key: "aux2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "B", key: "b", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "D, Dh, Dhum or Dehum1", key: "d", size: 2, isExtra: !0 }, { label: "Dh2, Dhum2 or Dehum2", size: 2, key: "dhum", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "F", key: "f", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GH", key: "gh", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GL", key: "gl", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "G2 or G3", key: "g2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "GM", key: "gm", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "H, Hum or Hum1", key: "hum", size: 2, isExtra: !0 }, { label: "H2 or Hum2", key: "h2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "L", key: "l", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "M", key: "m", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "O", key: "o", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "PEK", key: "pek", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "S, S1 or S2", key: "s", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "T", key: "t", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "V", key: "v", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "VR", key: "vr", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "W3", key: "w3", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "X or X1", key: "x", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "X2", key: "x2", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "*", key: "star", isExtra: !0 }, { label: "Others", key: "others", isExtra: !0 }] }, {}] }, {}, [1]);})// ]]>
        Wyze Thermostat Compatibility (2025)


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        Author: Ouida Strosin DO

        Last Updated:

        Views: 5537

        Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

        Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

        Author information

        Name: Ouida Strosin DO

        Birthday: 1995-04-27

        Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

        Phone: +8561498978366

        Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

        Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

        Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.